Dentists and oral hygienists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months. Every six months, go to the dentist. Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day for best results, and use the Smokers toothpaste and mouthwash to keep your teeth naturally white.
Wisdom Smokers Extra Hard toothbrushes are extra firm, flat, plain toothbrushes used to remove stains from teeth and clean dentures. If you're looking for a super hard toothbrush, you've come to the right place! Because it makes optimal contact, the flat surface is known to provide superior cleaning.
Extra-hard toothbrushes are ideal for smokers, but they are also useful for anyone who needs to know how to remove stains from their teeth. To remove brown stains on teeth, use an extra hard toothbrush and some good whitening toothpaste.
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