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The revolutionary TOYOTOMI Laser Direct Vent Heaters, with their whisper-quiet comfort, safety and dependability, are the most popular, best-selling, direct vent heating systems in Alaska. With multiple options to choose from, a Laser Direct Vent Heater can often heat an entire home. It is also the perfect solution for those hard-to-heat room or areas. Laser Heaters are ideal for heating summer homes or cabins, and are certified for installation in mobile homes and manufactured housing. More than half a million satisfied customers trust their home’s heat to TOYOTOMI.
Most Fuel-Efficient Oil Heaters Available
- Uses up to 50% less fuel for heating comparable size areas than conventional oil-fired heating systems at fraction of the cost
- The only oil-fired modulating burner in North America (increases efficiency)
- Pays for itself in fuel savings in just a few short years
Comfortable and Wi-Fi Compatible*
The Laser series large circulation fan distributes heat quickly and evenly in order to maintain and optimize maximum comfort.
- Automatically regulate between low, medium, and high temperature settings
- New Wi-Fi feature allows changing temperature remotely from App on your Apple or Android device
- Self shut-off when room rises approximately 4° above the desired temperature
* All above models are Wi-Fi compatible except the Laser 60AT.